Friday, March 9, 2012

it's the little things

My sister does a round-up on her blog called "it's the little things" every Friday, and I'll be joining her. I think there's some way to link mine up to hers and everyone else who does it, but I'm not that savvy yet.

Anyway, here goes. It's the little things, that make it all so wonderful. Like:

Juliet and Gary playing together...

...and resting together.
It's Juliet and Audrey laughing together...
and bathing favorite part of the day!

It's a little helper with the groceries

Morning oatmeal with agave nectar every single day, because I am a creature of habit when it comes to breakfast

Pretending to listen to music and resting on a patient doggie

A tired baby finally sleeping...
...and waking up happy for a trip to the local zoo with our annual pass!


  1. I cant believe J's pigtails. So sweet.

  2. All of these really are such wonderful things, and make me so excited/inspired to become a good mom to share in these types of joys :)
