Tuesday, November 15, 2011

family photos

We took our annual family photos for our Christmas card this weekend.  I spent all afternoon bathing the babies, carefully dressing them in pretty little outfits, finding time to blow dry my hair and put on a little makeup. It was an all day affair getting ready! And Juliet was in an awesome mood all day, playful and giggling, even while driving in the car to get to the photo spot.

And then, of course, because she is a toddler and who knows why- she was just over it.  Did not want to smile, did not want to walk, did not did not did not. And so yet again, I repeat my mantra of 2 under 2: Embrace the chaos!  The cute photos I envisioned of Juliet and Audrey cuddled together in that little trunk just didn't happen, but thanks to our very talented photographer (Jenna of Fina Photography, for those in OC), we were able to get a few family photos worth putting on the wall.  I'm not giving up on the idea of the annual family photo, but we may just do it in the backyard next year!

And what a difference a year makes.  This is last year's Christmas photo:


  1. I LOVE the first one. It is perfect. What more could you ask for?!

    Wow, what a difference a year makes.

  2. Yeah, I think that first one will be our christmas card. So expect to see it in the mail next month :)

  3. Sorry if this posts twice.. I think I lost the first one!

    I do the same thing with setting my expectations so high for adorable pics and exhausting myself getting ready, then I'm usually disappointed with the outcome. But, I've come to realize that if I can get 2-3 good ones, it is a success!

    I agree with Jamie-- the first one is precious! Beautiful family! :)
